Enfermedad de Gaves-Basedow: a propósito de cinco observaciones

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M.P. Pérez García , J. Prieto Veiga , V. Marugán Isabel , J. Cedeño Montaño , E. Álvarez Aparicio

Bol. Pediatr. 1993; 34 (150): 301 - 305

Se realiza una valoración retrospectiva del curso clínico y tratamiento en 5 pacientes hipertiroideos (todas niñas) de edades comprendidas entre 9 y 14 años y cuatro meses (media 11,7 años) en el momento del diagnóstico. Se discuten las distintas manifestaciones clínicas, así como la evolución de los resultados hormonales y de los anticuerpos especlficos con la administración de drogas antitiroideas. Abstract A retrospective review of the clinical progress and treatment given to 5 hyperthyroid Grave's disease patients (all of them girls) between 9 and 14 years old (mean 11,7 years) has been carried out at the time of diagnosis. It was also studied the different clinical manifestations that they showed and their following evolution after the treatment. To what the analytic is concerned hormone valuations and autoantibodies determination were done. At the time of diagnosis as well as after the treatment with antithyroid drugs, a decrease in the hormone levels was noted.



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  • Endocrino-Metabolismo